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Profile: Melissa Northway

Creating has always been a big part of who I am and I have found writing to be a good outlet for my creative juices.

The first story I wrote was when I was nine years old about our Standard Poodle, Max, and our adventures together. I enjoy creating new stories for my daughter who inspires me to write children’s picture books. Penelope the Purple Pirate is my first storybook app and book. Penelope was released in January 2011 by PicPocket Books and it has been a wonderful journey filled with challenges, upsets and joy. Sounds a little like how it feels to raise a child!

My background is in sales and marketing and I believe that has helped me in utilizing social media to get the word out there about Penelope! You can read more about my journey of creating a storybook app here at a post I wrote for Moms With Apps (MWA). If you have a dream to create – whether it is a new business, a book or product, I hope that you are inspired to go after your dreams!
Location: Orange County, California
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