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October 6th, 2012
Dear Storyteller/Storylistener,
We've just been alerted that key security updates to our server will be performed between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, on October 6th & 7th. These updates are in response to a Microsoft Security Advisory.
My personal apologies for any inconvenience this may cause - afterall, a kid should never have to wait for a bedtime story! Nevertheless, this is a highly unusual interruption of our service, and necessary in our effort to maintain a secure environment for your experience on our site.
Feel free to visit the site and shop the store to save stories for later. However, keep in mind that you may encounter problems if you attempt a recording or playback of a bedtime story during those specific time frames.
Thank You for your patience!
Alison Sansone
Creator (and Storyteller, too!)